Welcome to Coniston Centre
At Coniston Centre, we offer a specialist service for people, primarily over the age of 55, who have complex dementia. Residents with complex dementia often present with multiple and challenging needs that require expert care in a safe and appropriate environment. Our staff are trained to provide the highest quality of therapeutic support and care to people who have varying forms of dementia, progressive neurological illnesses and acquired brain injuries (including strokes).
Our aim is to ensure that residents can lead as normal a life as possible whilst managing the effects of behaviours that challenge and maintaining a focus on each individual’s abilities rather than the deficits associated with complex dementia.
Using our structured therapeutic, recreational and diversional activity approach, we manage the effects of behaviours that challenge. We maintain a positive focus on each resident’s individual abilities thus ensuring they can lead as normal a life as possible, within the constraints of their dementia.
Service Options
Reflecting the specific needs of this particular resident group, we provide four service options:
- Kendal is an all male service, reflecting the specific needs of complex male residents with challenging behaviours.
- Keswick is a mixed gender service for people with complex dementia and behaviours that challenge.
- Derwent is a mixed gender service for people with complex dementia and behaviours that challenge.
- Kirkby is a mixed gender service for people with complex dementia and behaviours that challenge and who benefit from a lower stimulus environment.
We are pleased that we can also provide specialist nursing services on site at Lakeview, where residents can step up/step down as required, from Enablement or Respite. This enables us to maintain a level of continuity of care which is much appreciated by residents as well as by their families and carers and in many instances enables us to avoid transfer to hospital.
Why choose Coniston Centre?
As well as our expertise in managing complex dementia, at Coniston Centre, we also recognise that the physical health of our residents may fail as a result of their dementia or due to other health reasons. Our co-location with Lakeview enables us to access specialist nursing support and, with appropriate agreement, for residents to transfer to our specialist nursing services. This enables us to maintain a level of continuity of care which is greatly appreciated by our residents and their loved ones and, in many instances, avoids re-location to other facilities.

"The team work hard to make Coniston a home from home and also to provide the best quality of care we can for our residents"